Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nature's Hidden Beauty

I am an Artist
Inspired by nature
Embracing the power within

I am one of the most compelling

I convey nature in all its beauty
To counter the eye of reality

I paint Largely colored flowers magnified to show the true colors of the world

It was my Instructor Arthur Dow
Who helped me find something of my own

I took a trip to Taos, New Mexico
Where I fell in love like a kid on christmas morning
With the open skies and sun-drenched landscape

A world wind of colors and imagination
Running wild for anyone to experience its beauty

I give objects a scene of power and beauty like giving someone inspiration

I am on of the most important and influential American painters

I am Georgia O’Keeffe

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed hearing your poem. Georgia O'Keefe was one of my favorite painters. I love the bright colors she uses in her work, I never knew her background though. It's very interesting how she got her start.


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