Monday, April 25, 2011

Freedom of Religion

The freedom of religion is one of the most important roles that Americans take part of in everyday life. The freedom of religion allows us to express our beliefs and reject any beliefs that we want about God. This is important for our personalities because the freedom lets us exercise how we want to present ourselves based on our religion and allows us to actively participate in our religion.
One of the greatest strengths in religious freedom is the fact that is separate from the state. The law cannot determine your religion and cannot make you stop your beliefs. The only thing that the law can say about religion is that we have the freedom of religion. This all started when Martin Luther decided that he would rather be killed than to deny his beliefs. Another important figure was the first women to stand up for freedom, Anne Hutchinson. She believed in the freedom of speech, religion and belief. She was looked down upon from the Puritans because she was going against what they believed. In the end she became an important historic figure who stood up for her beliefs. Our religion is a belief and nobody should be able to tell us what we can and cannot believe.


  1. this is really interesting story.

  2. I agree it is really important that the law cannot determine your religion for you. Instead it guarantees your freedom to choose for yourself, thus, allowing you to completely formulate your own identity separate from your identity as just another citizen.

  3. I agree, it is important that the only part of religion stated by law, is that you have the choice of what you want to believe.

  4. It is for the most part true that the government can't make laws on a persons belief but there are some deviant groups that believe in hate crimes or an activity that takes away others freedoms. However this is true when talking about the main religions.

  5. freedom of religion is what makes Amereica different

  6. I agree on with what you are saying about freedom of religion.


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