Thursday, May 5, 2011

jonathan edwards

Jonathan Edwards
One of Americas intellectuals as in Jonathan Edwards; a man of pure importance. Edwards was a theologian, preacher, and missionary. He dedicated his time to the service of “God”. At the age of thirteen, he was enrolled to Yale, by his father’s guidance (Christian Classics Ethereal Library, /A). He gave the best education which help in his later years when he attended Yale. At his later years, he was profoundly interested in John Lockes Essay on “Concerning Human Understanding”, which made him interest in study the mind and Philosophy. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; Jonathan Edwards was born on Oct 5, 1703 and he was raised by his father; Timothy Edwards who was minister at East Windsor.

His father worked for his salaries by help boys go to college. Jonathan, was also trained by his dad for college, which he received the best education. His works was based on two themes (the absolute sovereignty of God and the beauty of God's holiness) (William Wainwright, 2009). After all journey he went thru, he left a legacy that profoundly influence many individuals to this day. The things that differentiate from any theologian or philosophy is that you could dispute the fact that Edwards Ideas is indeed impressive and has affected American culture.

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