Thursday, May 12, 2011

DJ Gregory's Footsteps Across Golf

one thing that struck me the most from both the video and the article was the since of indominability in both characters. even though there numerous people saying, "You have done enough" or "you need to stop." both people never gave up hope and never stopped what they were doing. DJ Gregory stated, "Don't let anyone tell you what you can't do." there were thousands of people saying that he would not be able to walk every hole of every tournament played in golf. they said it is over 900 miles! for someone of DJ's stature, that is a monumental feat.
in "Mother Courage," Pat Furlong a mother of two children with Duchenne disorder. she fought and fought to help find a cure. she had a doctor tell her that she should have aborted both of her sons because this disease was genetic even though her children's Duchenne was from a random mutation.... i digress, she fought and fought against people telling her that there is no cure and no help. against all odds, she has raised millions of dollars in order to help fund research, but it hasn't been without hurdles. in 2000 after six years of appeals, she got the N.I.H. to fund a short two day workshop. it was progress, but it was backhanded. "Here's your workshop, now go away. it's not enough." despite this and the death of two of her children, she continues to fight to raise money in order to fund research and to fund hope for thousands of children.


  1. We need more people like her in the world, someone who will actually stand up and fight for what they believe in.

  2. i was impress about how she never gave up fighting for her cause


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